03 2024年5月

分猎鹰完成强:A Q&A和即将毕业的大四学生卡洛斯·罗威尔

Saint Augustine’s University (分) continues to shine a positive light amidst recent media coverage. The remarkable story of graduating senior De’卡洛斯 Rowell amplifies the spirit of resilience and achievement at 分. 来自华盛顿, DC, De’卡洛斯 will graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre, illustrating the transformative impact of his journey as a first-generation college student and recipient of the Pell Grant.

“De’卡洛斯 Rowell embodies the essence of perseverance and growth that defines the 分 experience,分临时主席Dr. 马库斯H. 伯吉斯. “His story is a testament to our faculty and staff’s tireless support and commitment to nurturing student success.”

德卡洛斯在分的道路并非一帆风顺. Upon enrollment, he started with a modest academic foundation: a 2.平均成绩3分,ACT成绩17分. 克服个人困难, 包括失去他的曾祖母, 德卡洛斯在学业上遭遇挫折, 降落在地面上 学业进展满意表 平均绩点2分.1. 然而, 在教职员工的指导和支持下, 德卡洛斯成功复出, 成绩优异,平均绩点3分.395,并在 2023年秋季学期教务长名单.

毕业后, De’卡洛斯 is committed to paying it forward by sharing his passion for Theatre with students this Fall with Wake County Public Schools, igniting creativity and inspiring the next generation of artists and performers.

Q&A和De '卡洛斯 Rowell:

你在分的最初经历是怎样的, and what challenges did you face academically when you first started at the university?

首先,我自2019年以来一直在这里. So, when I first came in, that was a rocky semester for me. When I lost my great-grandmother, I completely fell off. 我不知道我还想要什么. 我不知道在那之后会发生什么. 我开始滑倒, 这是, 就像, 百分之百是我的错, 但当我失去曾祖母时,我迷失了自我. 那是我人生中最重要的一件事. So losing her was kind of, yeah, it was difficult, but at the same time, I was able to persevere.

Can you share the specific steps or resources you used to improve your academic performance at 分, especially considering the unique challenges first-generation and Pell-eligible students face?

I am first generation college student, so thank God for that. 我采取的一些措施, 我听了导师的话, 和我的教授聊到很晚, 努力学习, 进入书本, 听了我所有教授的话, 包括系主任系主任, Dr. 凯·塞莱斯特·埃文斯,她在其中扮演了重要角色. 乔治·杰克教授在其中扮演了重要角色. I did a lot of mentorship programs and a lot of outreach programs. 最后, 我加入了一个兄弟会(Iota Phi Theta fraternity), 合并), 所以我现在有一个家了.

How did the caring faculty and support services at 分 contribute to your academic growth and success?

绝对. 100%. 我的大部分成功归功于教职员工. 最重要的是,贝克小姐和登记员. 她是我的最爱. Ms. 我是阿什利·史密斯,特里奥报道. Mr. 马利克·约翰逊当时在总统办公室. 他来时伯吉斯也在场. Even when I wanted to give up on myself and felt 就像 I didn’t want to go anymore, 他们给了我说出来的激情和动力, “嘿, 卡洛斯. 我相信你.” So, 因为他们信任我,投资我, I feel 就像 they didn’t turn back on their investment because I’m graduating.

In what ways did the hands-on learning opportunities at 分 play a role in helping you improve academically?

极大的. 图书馆资源. 写作中心开放的时候, 它帮助我完善了我的写作, 做得更好, 完善我的技艺. The books I’ve read enhanced a lot of things that I was learning in my department. It’ll allow me to see theater from a different and broader perspective. 谢天谢地,我很感激图书馆. 我很感谢写作中心. I’m thankful to the Food Pantry for moments when I didn’t have too much to have too much, 但是食品储藏室一直都在.

Can you describe any transformative experiences or moments from academic suspension or satisfactory academic progress (SAP) list to making the dean’s list? How did these experiences impact your outlook on academics and success?

绝对. 当我第一次进入SAP时,我是2级.1平均绩点. I took 19 credit hours the following semester, increasing my GPA. 这并不容易. 这并不容易. 去年这段时间,我失去了很多人. 去年我失去了十多人. 所以,是的,这很艰难. 这很有挑战性. 首先,它扰乱了我的思维,让我无法发挥. 我迷路了. 我不知道我该怎么做. 就像我说的,这甚至是校园里的一个时刻. 在某个时间点上,我曾打算结束自己的生命. So it was 就像 being where I am now, and I’m genuinely grateful. 能有现在的GPA,我非常感激. 就像我说的,我只是埋头看书. 我努力集中注意力. 我努力学习,我听从我的部门.

As a student who enrolled at 分 with a low high school GPA and SAT/ACT score, how did the university support your academic development and help you reach your full potential?

首先,分信任我. 我不会说其他学校没有, but 分 took a chance on me—a small kid from Washington DC, 一个五口之家, 单身母亲. 我不想撒谎. I’m emotional, but 分 plays a tremendous role in my success. And without 分 or without that passion and that drive from every faculty member, 每一个员工, 我结交的每一个朋友, 我所有的亲密兄弟, 还有我所有的好姐妹, 我非常感激他们在我的圈子里. 没有他们,就没有就没有卡洛斯.

What advice would you offer to other 分 students struggling academically and aiming to improve their performance, especially those who may have faced similar challenges as you did initially?

首先,锁定. 相信自己. 人生最大的障碍是你自己. 如果你别挡道的话, 专注于你必须做的事情, 专注于你必须做的事情, 慢慢来完善你的手艺, 相信我, 没有什么是你做不到的. 你猜怎么着? 分会完全信任你的.

How do you feel 分’s approach to education and support services differentiates it from other institutions, particularly in its impact on the academic success of students who may have initially struggled?

首先也是最重要的, 因为这些项目, 辅导项目, 图书馆会议, 以及他们的导师, 分花时间在课堂上亲身实践. 他们会确保你明白自己在做什么. My professors in my department make sure that you know what you’re doing. 你不仅知道自己在做什么, but you can also elevate that to a whole different level. 正如我所说, 分 is that kind of school that takes the time to invest in the students and take the time to be up late at night, 长时间, 输入分数, 花时间去, um, review information to make sure we are at our absolute best. 如果不是我的教授们, 如果不是学校的资源, 再一次。, 卡洛斯不会存在.

What role did mentorship or peer support play in your journey from academic suspension to making the dean’s list at 分?

正如我所说, I will highlight this person specifically, Ms. 林赛·贝克. Ms. 你能想到的方方面面,贝克都在. 她一直是个大姐姐. 她也是我的校园组织的顾问. Like I said, I had long nights with her and long conversations with her. 很多次,我会坐在她的办公室里,得到一个拥抱. She allowed me to activate the true greatness inside of me, which allowed me to activate the greatness inside my classmates. 我们做到了.


那两个学期我的成绩都是A. During that time, I was experiencing death, um, and mental breakdowns. During this time, I was pledging as a solo, um, on top of doing a full-time job as Food Lion. 我是那里的主管之一. Being able to do that and finish with eight A’s in all classes is a tremendous honor, 我非常感谢上帝, 首先也是最重要的, 感谢你让我取得了那样的成功.

How can your success story inspire or impact other first-generation and Pell-eligible students facing academic challenges at 分 or elsewhere?

就像我说的,你必须相信自己. That’s the very first thing you have to do for you to succeed. 每当有人遇到这种情况, 像我一样, 如果你肯花时间倾听, 这是我一直坚信的第一件事. 如果你倾听,倾听是关键. 如果你倾听并花时间阅读, 参与, 参与校园活动, 特种行动组会介入你的调查. So, as long as you invest in yourself, the school has your back 105% of the way.

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